Visa Refusals

Sometimes almost flawless visa applications get refused. So you should not give up seeing a refusal. The first thing you need after a refusal is a proper assessment of your case. If your application was meritorious it is very likely to be granted at the end of the road.

Student/ work permit/ investor

Stage 1: You need to apply for Administrative Review (AR) within 28 days of receiving the refusal decision. Note that the 28 days period starts to count from the day you receive the refusal decision (usually by email), not from the date of the decision.

Stage 2: You get the decision for your Administrative Review (AR), usually within a month of submitting the review.

Stage 3: If the refusal decision is maintained, you need to proceed to Judicial Review (JR). The first step of that is sending a PAP letter to the Home Office. You should issue the JR claim within 3 months of the refusal decision (not the AR decision, this is counted from the date of the refusal decision not when you received it). The Home Office should be given at least 14 days to respond to your PAP letter. Therefore, the PAP letter needs to be sent within 10 weeks of the refusal decision.

Stage 4: Home Office provides response to your PAP letter.

Stage 5: If the Home Office response to the PAP letter is negative, you proceed to issue the JR claim. £154 court fee is applicable for that claim. There are various stages in a JR claim. It can take upto 12 months. If the Home Office decides to concede the claim, it could be resolved lot sooner, if within a month.

Visitor Visa

There is no option for Administrative Review. The only option to challenge a refusal to visit visa is by way of Judicial Review. Please refer to the previous section for more detail on Judicial Review.

Other applications

You would usually get a right of appeal to lodge an appeal against the refusal decision before the First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum). This should be done within the time prescribed in your refusal letter (14 or 28 days). If you do not get a right of appeal, you may file a Judicial Review claim.


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